[Pm-utils] [patch review request] Remove hardcoded /usr/lib/pm-utils/functions dependence

Victor Lowther victor.lowther at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 19:21:08 PST 2008

The attached patch removes our depencence on a hardcoded path to
pm/functions.  It modifies Makefile.am in the src and pm/sleep.d
directories to have make install rewrite the installed scripts to
source the final installation location of pm/functions, not the
hardcoded path.

One interesting thing to note is that the scripts are considered data
by the autotools process, so all that install-exec-(local|hook) stuff
has been incorrect for the lifetime of pm-utils so far.

I would like some review and testing -- it Works For Me, but I am an
autotools n00b and probably missed something.
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Name: 0000-remove-hardcoding-of-functions.patch
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pm-utils/attachments/20080129/8ba7539e/attachment-0001.patch 

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