[poppler] very trivial patch for NSS3 library

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Thu Dec 21 13:10:56 UTC 2017

Hi mpsuzuki,

> Oh, maybe too few words made you misunderstood. Just I wanted to
> propose to set a minimum version of libnss3 to be supported by
> poppler. Ignoring too old libnss would be acceptable solution,
> because such old libnss was used when poppler has no signature
> calculation. So, the change would be just a few lines in CMakeLists.txt.
> Now I'm trying to find the repository of libnss3 to find the minimum
> version which we don't have to include prtypes.h...

indeed, I misunderstood you.  That idea sounds fine to me -- not too
complicated at all.  However, as I said, it is not me who can decide
whether explicitly stopping support for old nss libraries is what
poppler wants to do.


> This idea is either too complicated?
> Regards,
> mpsuzuki
>> If your nss version is to be
>> supported then simply applying your patch is much easier.  But that
>> is not on me to decide.
>> Regards,
>> Oliver
>>> Regards,
>>> mpsuzuki
>>> Oliver Sander wrote:
>>>> Hmm.  Doesn't that sound more like a bug in hasht.h?  In any case,
>>>> the file hasht.h on my machine (Debian testing) starts with
>>>> #include "prtypes.h".
>>>> Best,
>>>> Oliver
>>>> On 21.12.2017 08:56, suzuki toshiya wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> For signature calculation, poppler can use Mozilla's NSS3 library
>>>>> optionally. I receive a compiler error against PRBool types, because
>>>>> it is used by hasht.h before including its definition in prtypes.h.
>>>>> Here is a trivial patch to include prtypes.h before hasht.h.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> mpsuzuki
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