[systemd-devel] plymouthd integration

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sat Dec 25 07:14:19 PST 2010

On Fri, 26.11.10 16:43, Ozan Çağlayan (ozan at pardus.org.tr) wrote:

>  Can't plymouthd be started as the very first service as possible (or is it 
> already)? Because the progress on my theme doesn't even progress at all ;)

plymouth currently requires the video kmods to be loaded. I discussed
this briefly with Ray and asked him to maybe change plymouth to actively
listen to udev events so that we can start it early and that it makes
use of the video device as soon as they show up instead of delaying this
to the point where we enumerated and settled everything. (something
similar is true for the input devices).

So, right now it's difficult to move plymouth earlier than udev-settle,
but there's hope, and I'd definitely prefer if we could do this. 

IIRC plymouth currently waits for udev-settle, for vconsole and for
readhead. The latter probably makes sense and should no be changed,
udev-settle we might get fixed (see above), which leaves only
vconsole. At this point in time I am not entirely sure about the
interaction of vcoonsole-setup and plymouth and hence am not sure if we
can reorder the execution of these two.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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