[systemd-devel] on the default for, PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames

Sam Tresler sam at treslervania.com
Wed Apr 13 16:51:20 UTC 2016

 >Ifconfig does not show anything useful. lspci might provide something 
I can use to construct it, but I'm >not sure. "dmesg | grep enp3s0" 
confirms this, but I still need to manually construct the entire string.

I didn't make it through the rest of your post, but thought I'd chime in 
with `ifconfig` has been deprecated since 2009.

2009. I don't get deep into the distros, but I really wish they'd stop 
shipping it.

`man ip` should give you info on the right tool you need to retrieve 
your network info. From there it is just some pipework to get a list you 
can iterate over.

$ ip -o a | awk '{print $2}' | uniq

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