[Tango-artists] VMware-related Tango questions

Jakub Steiner jimmac at novell.com
Tue Mar 27 08:08:49 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 11:58 -0700, Christian Hammond wrote:
> Hey everyone.
> As some of you are probably aware, we've been converting our icon
> style in VMware Workstation 6 to match Tango in order to fit in better
> with the desktop. So far, I think we've managed to make the people at
> work who use and develop the Windows version of Workstation
> jealous ;) 
> We're gearing up for a release and need to know if there's anything
> special we need to do to attribute Tango, as per the CC. We have a big
> file that has the licenses and copyrights for all the open source
> software we use, but is there anything else that is needed? 

Hi Christian.

In the past we have asked projects using Tango icons to attribute the
Tango project as a whole (as opposed to individual artists), linking to
the Tango website.

> Also, while the interface looks much nicer now, there are a couple of
> icons that stand out as being very out of place. Not Tango icons, but
> rather icons from one of Tango's fallback themes. Specifically, the
> Favorites icon, USB icon and Memory icon (and a number of people have
> commented about the Ethernet icon looking like a kitchen tool or
> airplane toilet seat, but I'm less worried about that one). Tango
> doesn't appear to have versions of these (correct me if I'm wrong
> please, though my Ubuntu Feisty install doesn't show any). This is a
> shame because the fallbacks just don't fit in. 

There is an icon for flash memory which in tango's base set looks like a
generic memory module [1]. But as you want to use it as a fallback, I
don't think that would be a good choice. Maybe we want to add a generic
memory device icon name, Rodney?

As for USB icon, you mean the USB logo? I wasn't able to find out the
use terms on the usb.org website. It looks like the old 'hub' logo isn't
being used these days anymore anyway. It will be very unlikely to have
this defined in the naming spec though as 'usb device' is very vague and
hardly a useful fallback.

In what context do you use Favorites icon? Wouldn't emblem-favorite work
for you?

The fact that you're using the style is more beneficial to the Tango
project than the actual artwork (but sadly only for the Linux client,
make the windows guys more jealous ;). Would you mind sending me some
screenshots and allow us to put WMWare Worstation 6 in the 'Showroom'


[2] http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Showroom
Jakub Steiner <jimmac at novell.com>
Novell, Inc.

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