[Telepathy] Improved chandler/filter system for MC

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Oct 10 04:28:17 PDT 2007

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On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 at 14:15:32 +1000, Jiri Baum wrote:
> As with per-protocol presence, I suspect what you really want is 
> per-contact-group presence. After all, many services might be used both for 
> work and for play (abicollab in particular might fall in this category).

We can't do either of these, because the IM protocols and servers we use don't
have this feature. (For XMPP it'd perhaps be possible to propose an extension
involving directed presence, but that'd need server support, which in
practice usually means nobody would be able to use it.)

Neither MC nor Telepathy should have API for things the IM protocols we use
don't actually allow.

The API that Telepathy provides, which reflects what is actually going on in
the IM protocols we implement, has presence per connection. If you want
to group your contacts, sign up for two or more accounts on the same IM
protocol and add people to one or more of them, then connect to them all at
the same time.

Per-connection presence is not currently supported in MC - opinions are
divided over whether it's useful. I agree with you that it is, but not
everyone on this list does.

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