[Telepathy] hidden configuration

Yves Dorfsman yves at zioup.com
Sat Nov 21 23:07:49 PST 2009

Yves Dorfsman wrote:
> I have tried empathy in the past, and have a feeling this affected my 
> configuration. I started using empathy again on my normal account, and 
> created a blank new login with no history and I see differences and don't 
> know how to change them. I have used lsof etc... to look where these config 
> could be but cannot find them:
> behaviour                 old                          new
> sound (events)          no sound whatsoever     sound on buddy coming in
>                                                  new message, video call
> keyring                 never get prompted      prompted every time I login
> start minimised         does it by default      doesn't
> So, I'd like to re-enable the sound on my account, and avoid the keyring 
> mess for my new users, as well as enable them to start minimised.

Sound: googled a ton about this, apparently the issue is connected to Ubuntu 
missing sound file. I changed my sound theme (System --> Preferences --> 
Sound) and picked "Sonar", and I know have sound with telepathy.

Now if I could get it to start minimised, and not prompt for keying password...


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