[Telepathy] [PATCH] Fix crashes in FileTransfer and StreamTubes related to SocketAddressIPv4

Andre Moreira Magalhaes andre.magalhaes at collabora.co.uk
Mon May 3 06:48:25 PDT 2010

Hey there,

Great that you were able to figure it out why it is failing. Now we need 
to check if changing the spec is an option as maybe we have other CMs 
that actually send q instead of u.
If a spec change is possible we just need to update tp-qt4 to use the 
new spec and everything should work fine.

Let's wait and see what the spec guys have to say about this.


On 02/05/10 07:31, Dario Freddi wrote:
> Hello there,
> so after some further debugging with George, we found out the problem that
> made File transfers and stream tubes crash. It looks like dbus-glib is sending
> u instead of q, due to the fact that it is not capable of sending q, hence the
> struct as received by QtDBus is (su).
> QtDBus demarshaller is extremely strict, hence the struct is not demarshalled
> correctly. Changing the spec to use u instead of q, hence generating an uint
> instead of an ushort into SocketAddressIPv{4,6}, fixes the problem.
> On a side note, I'd propose to change this in Telepathy spec itself, given
> that as wjt confirmed, u is always used instead of q in some places, and it
> might lead to similar situations.
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