[Telepathy] future of Telepathy?

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Thu Apr 28 12:11:36 UTC 2016


>Speaking of which, as a KDE Telepathy maintainer, I do see quite a
>in our userbase. One of the reasons I get from users is "does not
>$protocol", where $protocol is often Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook. And
>no, it really doesn't matter to them that they can have calls via XMPP,
>want their Skype contacts cause Skype is The Thing...

Then I can live perfectly well with them going away and using Skype, WhatsApp and $protocol. If they want their proprietary crap, so shall it be, but please do not spoil free software and propagate use of that stuff for the sake of having a few more users.

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Dominik George · Mobil: +49-151-61623918

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