[Uim] Testing the immodule patch #3

David Oftedal david at start.no
Tue May 18 15:31:24 EEST 2004

Hello again!

I was finally able to find three packages that I'd forgotten to 
recompile: kde-env, and the two packages for the theme I'm using. There 
are still a few programs that don't work correctly, so I'm gonna keep 
looking for the packages that contain those later.

Anyway, now that everything's up and running, I've been able to start 
working on getting the plugin to run. It took me a while to find the 
"qtconfig" program... For some reason, I thought I was supposed to go to 
the KDE control center! Upon starting qtconfig, however, I got this message:

Conflict in /usr/qt/3/plugins/input/libquiminputcontextplugin.so:
   Plugin uses single threaded Qt library!

This may be so, but the fact is, the plugin is using the same Qt library 
as everything else, and I've recompiled it many times.

So no luck on getting it running so far.


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