[Uim] Korean input

Park Jae-hyeon jhpark at kias.re.kr
Mon Jul 25 10:51:24 EEST 2005

Kenichi Handa <handa at m17n.org> writes:

> In article <87r7dnjxwo.fsf at marrow.kias.re.kr>, Park Jae-hyeon <jhpark at kias.re.kr> writes:
> > very rarely.  An example is "가까" and "각가".  Both are mapped to
> > "gagga".  So they should be distinguished, for example, as "ga'gga"
> > and "gag'ga".
> > It is true that we need a commit key, and SPACE certainly is a choice.
> Isn't it acceptable to use uppercase letter for specifying 
> CHOSEONG in such a case; "gagGa" -> "각가", "gagga" -> "가까"?
> If so, we don't have to consume SPACE for such a rare case.

Yes, it is another solution.  Romaja keyboard can be effectively
regarded as a variant of 2-beolsik layout with a different mapping.
In 2-beoksik, they avoid syllable breaking ambiguity by assigning each
of ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅃ,ㅆ,ㅉ to a single shifted key, and commitment occurs at
syllable breaking or at a non-Korean key.

> >>  >ㅟ  wi
> When one starts typing by JUNGSEONG, which should be
> inserted; "a" -> "ㅏ" or "아"?

HWP inserts "아", and "aga" becomes "아가", "agxa" becomes "악아".
So, you don't have a way to enter an isolated jungseong.  I am not
sure which is better.  If you require "xa" for "아" and regard "a" to
be "ㅏ" as in 2-beolsik layout, you have more control on isolated jamo
input, but allowing "a" to be "아" looks more natural.  A possibility
is to make it configurable in the preference tool.


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