Wayland and Weston 1.6.0 released

Andrea Giammarchi andrea.giammarchi at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 03:57:02 PDT 2014

Great stuff, congratulations for the release!

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaalanen at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> this is the Wayland and Weston release 1.6.0. The SHA1s are:
>   6183108a3bffb204c05b7f37b763b6278760572d  wayland-1.6.0.tar.xz
>   339e83aa579569711cd14623ca4b2db46256b766  wayland 1.6.0 tag
>   f3c801f0610b605cda45a017b475c10f2d3b7dbb  weston-1.6.0.tar.xz
>   2858cc2a50854685b44eee72994dea57f5aa4246  weston 1.6.0 tag
> Website update with download links will follow soon.
> Here are some notable changes.
> Wayland
> - Add error enums to wl_surface.
> - Add keyboard repeat information to wl_keyboard protocol.
> - Error handling additions in libwayland-client: when a protocol error
>   happens, the program can query more detailed information about the
>   error. This is mostly useful for tests to ensure correct errors.
> - New wl_display_add_socket_auto() in libwayland-server: automatically
>   find a free socket name.
> - Many added tests to the 'make check' suite, including a framework for
>   testing server-client interactions more easily.
> - Threading and blocking related bug fixes.
> - Add wl_display_roundtrip_queue(): blocking round-trip on a custom
>   queue.
> - Stop exposing wl_display global. Turns out binding to the global
>   would have triggered bugs, and there was no proper use for it.
> Weston
> - Xdg-shell protocol changes. Yes, we broke it again since 1.5.0.
> - Add weston_layer masking mechanism.
> - DRM-backend: fetch cursor size from the kernel
> - keyboard repeat rate support, sent from compositor to clients,
>   configurable.
> - Use wl_display_add_socket_auto(): no need to specify the socket
>   anymore when running Weston under Weston, it just works now.
> - Use libinput by default. The non-libinput input backend is still
>   there right now, but it will be removed for 1.7.
> - A few more desktop-shell configuration bits.
> - 'make distcheck' actually works OOTB without custom tweaks (by
>   disabling the xwayland test for distcheck for now).
> - Exit Weston, if weston-desktop-shell dies too early. Should help with
>   one class of "just black screen" problems.
> - Option to force numlock on at start on DRM and fbdev backends.
> - Many bug fixes, of course.
> The 1.7 development cycle starts next week. The schedule up to 1.7.0
> release is:
> - 1.7-alpha release in mid-January 2015, around January 16th, so people
>   have a couple of weeks after holidays to push the last minute stuff.
>   This is the deadline for any big features.
> - 1.7-rc1 around January 30th. Only bug fixes after this.
> - 1.7-rc2 around February 6th.
> - 1.7.0 release around February 13th, Friday. Oops! ;-)
> Enjoy. :-)
> Thanks,
> pq
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