[PATCH weston] configure: don't control egl version

Ucan, Emre (ADITG/SW1) eucan at de.adit-jv.com
Wed Nov 18 02:23:50 PST 2015

The required version only corresponds to version of mesa implementation.
This mesa version requirement causes configure errors,
when weston is configured for a different egl implementation than mesa.
Because the version of the egl drivers are not alligned
to the mesa version.

Therefore, I deleted the version controlling for egl,
so that weston can be configured for a different egl implementation.

Signed-off-by: Emre Ucan <eucan at de.adit-jv.com>
 configure.ac |    8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index c6f7fc8..50daa62 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(egl, [  --disable-egl],,
 AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_EGL, test x$enable_egl = xyes)
 if test x$enable_egl = xyes; then
 	AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_EGL], [1], [Build Weston with EGL support])
-	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EGL, [egl >= 7.10 glesv2])
-        PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EGL_TESTS], [egl >= 7.10 glesv2 wayland-client wayland-egl])
+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EGL, [egl glesv2])
+        PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EGL_TESTS], [egl glesv2 wayland-client wayland-egl])
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(simple-egl-clients,
 AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SIMPLE_EGL_CLIENTS, test "x$enable_simple_egl_clients" = "xyes")
 if test x$enable_simple_egl_clients = xyes; then
-                    [egl >= 7.10 glesv2 wayland-client wayland-egl wayland-cursor])
+                    [egl glesv2 wayland-client wayland-egl wayland-cursor])
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ if test x$enable_clients = xyes; then
   # Only check for cairo-egl if a GL or GLES renderer requested
   AS_IF([test "x$cairo_modules" = "xcairo-gl" -o "x$cairo_modules" = "xcairo-glesv2"], [
-    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO_EGL, [wayland-egl egl >= 7.10 cairo-egl >= 1.11.3 $cairo_modules],
+    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO_EGL, [wayland-egl egl cairo-egl >= 1.11.3 $cairo_modules],
                       [have_cairo_egl=yes], [have_cairo_egl=no])
     AS_IF([test "x$have_cairo_egl" = "xyes"],
 	  [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CAIRO_EGL], [1], [Have cairo-egl])],

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