HDR support in Wayland/Weston

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Thu Mar 7 05:02:04 UTC 2019

Chris Murphy wrote:

> Hmmm. For a while now we've had display calibration+profiling
> applications compel full screen mode so they're not really usable
> alongside anything else. They are in effect taking over. So if it's
> possible for the calibration app to set aside the Wayland session, use
> drm/kms full screen, and then restore the Wayland session I might be
> OK with it. But if I have to log out, not OK.

Sorry, as a Color Management application writer, I'm
not OK with it. I'd be better off firing up my own complete
copy of Wayland with the CM API's in it and use it
to talk to drm/kms, rather than trying to write an app to
talk direct to drm/kms. And of course if that's the easiest
course, why do that - just incorporate the CM API's in
stock Wayland and be done with it!

[ And why should Linux/Wayland be crippled compared to
  every other system ? I can and do do things like fire up
  a test patch display using ArgyllCMS/dispwin in one corner of my
  screen while running ArgyllCMS/spotread in another window to
  measure the patches. There's no reason not to, and every reason
  to be able to. ]


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