DConf and Elektra

Fabian Zeindl fabian.zeindl at gmx.at
Sat Jun 18 21:13:53 EEST 2005


I read through
http://freax.be/wiki/index.php/Temporary_location_for_D-Conf_specs and want
to correct some information about Elektra:

"All key-value pairs are stored in clear-text files, UTF-8 encoded. All old
charsets are also supported, with automatic transparent conversion to and
from UTF-8."

Elektra can change it's Backend. The intended idea is, that the API stays
the same for the programs while the Backend can be changed from Files to
Databases to everything else imaginable. The File-Backend is the one which
is "delivered" when you download Elektra in it's current state.

And I have a question too: Is DConf intended as configuration system for
almost every application (even the systemapps in /etc) or just for Gnome/Kde
Apps? Cause I think there are many applications developers which wouldn't
use a unique system if it needs a daemon to be run.
Maybe there's a possibility to create a system which could be run with a
daemon and (with reduced functionality) without daemon too?

many greetings!
fabian zeindl

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