RFC: Spec versioning

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Thu Mar 24 00:16:47 EET 2005


I thought it might be useful if we could agree on how to version specs.
In particular it isn't always clear when to update the version number. E.g. 
when working on a number of changes to a stable spec you don't want to use a 
new version number for every change, but you do want to change the version 
number when making the first change to make clear that this isn't the stable 
version any longer.

To accomodate that I propose the following:

version:	<major>.<minor>.draft-<draft-level>
status:	work in progress, subject to change,
		not to be used for any implementation
website:	http://standards/foobar-spec/foobar-spec-<major>.<minor>.html

version:	<major>.<minor>
status:	Finished version, ready for implementation
website:	http://standards/foobar-spec/foobar-spec-<major>.<minor>.html

version:	<major>.<minor>.<patchlevel>
status:	Functional equivalent of <major>.<minor> but may contain additional
		clearifications or examples to improve understanding.
website:	http://standards/foobar-spec/foobar-spec-<major>.<minor>.html

When making a functional change to <major>.<minor> or 
<major>.<minor>.<patchlevel> the version should be updated to either 
<major>.<minor+1>.draft-1 or <major>.<minor+1>

Can <minor> be larger than 9 ? Is 0.10 the next version after 0.9 or is 0.10 
equivalent to 0.1 ? 

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