libxdg-vfs - screenshots

Dave Cridland dave at
Tue Jun 27 16:33:29 EEST 2006

On Tue Jun 27 12:55:34 2006, nf2 wrote:
> Dave Cridland wrote:
>> Data is important, of course, but so is interface. It's important 
>> that not only are the file dialogs for multiple applications 
>> presenting the same data as each other, but they're presenting it 
>> in the same manner. (Having the same interface but different data 
>> would be, of course, utterly useless and a usability disaster)
> But i think providing a similar interface doesn't mean that file 
> dialogs have to be written in the same toolkit. I have heard there 
> are plans to have a Button-Order flag through XSETTINGS and 
> probably there could also be a  File-Dialog-Style "hint". 

Yes, and that might work too.

> There is no need for absolute perfectionism and no need to rush 
> either - the data-model should be fixed first...

I certainly, wholeheartedly, agree with the latter. :-)

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at - xmpp:dwd at
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