Notifications spec: Icons

Christian Hammond chipx86 at
Fri Apr 3 00:25:39 PDT 2009

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at> wrote:

> Le Fredag 3 april 2009, Christian Hammond a écrit :
> > We'll also break in the case of upgrading on a modern distro to a newer
> > libnotify or notification-daemon. I suppose that could be worked around
> by
> > having notification-daemon listen on both namespaces for a while, and
> have
> > libnotify first check if the VisualNotifications namespace is being
> handled
> > and then falling back on Notifications.
> This is not an issue,
> In the libnotify server you can keep the old depracated dbus interface for
> compatibility,  and add the new one.
> And the new libnotify would have a dependence on the new server. So you do
> not
> have new application working with the old server.
> > Another possibility is keeping the namespaces but introducing new methods
> > for whatever else we need, but then that moves into the bigger discussion
> > we're trying to avoid :)
> I do not get it.  This is exactly what we are trying to discuss.  we're not
> trying to avoid anything.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I'm referring to the larger discussion of a general
notifications framework spec more in like with knotify, not the "visual
notifications" spec under discussion here.

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