Second Draft of Free Music Player Specifications ready

Philipp Wolfer ph.wolfer at
Wed Nov 4 06:11:30 PST 2009

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Jeff Mitchell <mitchell at> wrote:
> Tom Haste wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> Is there anyway of unifying and some-what future-proofing the MP3/Vorbis
>> sections? What if some other codec becomes popular and uses some sort of
>> other method? Im not entirely savvy in this area, but it would seem like
>> something that would be better to have across the board. I guess with
>> the current layout additional subsections could be added later.
>> TLDR; Lose mp3/vorbis specific bits, change spec to cover both in 1 swoop.
> Since you a) didn't bother to read it, and b) don't know what you're
> talking about, please refrain from sticking your nose into discussions
> where you can contributing nothing useful.

I'm not sure if I understood Tom's comment as it was intended, but I
see a valid point here:

In every section 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 there are notes about storing the
tags as UTF-8 and subsections about storing the tag in ID3 and Vorbis
Comments. Since those rules should apply for all tags it would be good
to extract them into a separate Implementation section. This would
make it easier to extend it to other tagging formats.

Otherwise good work on the specification so far. I've a few points I
want to address, but I will comment later when I have more time.


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