Showing a file in the file manager

Federico Mena Quintero federico at
Mon May 23 17:04:20 PDT 2011

On Sat, 2011-05-21 at 06:29 +0800, PCMan wrote:

> Do we need to specify where to show the file?
> Last active file manager window
> New window
> New tab (fallback to new window if tabbed-browsing is not supported)

I think that policy should go in the file manager itself, not as part of
the D-Bus API.  Otherwise we'll get a similar problem to what we had a
few years ago, when apps wanted to offer various modes of opening web
pages from the web browser, but the browser had a different opinion.

> ShowInFolder, ShowItem, or SelectItem might be more appropreate than
> ShowFile IMHO. Sometimes you might want to select something that's not
> a file in the folder view.
> Some use cases:
> You can have "Show file properties" in image viewer, cd burner, file
> chooser dialog like GtkFileChooser, or even GUI IDE like KDevelop or
> Anjuta. Where apps want to show some files in the UI and want to
> present more information about the files to the user, this API can be
> quite useful.

OK, so we have these so far:

ShowFolder (uri, startup_id)
ShowItem (uri, startup_id)
ShowItemProperties (uri, startup_id)

Seems like we are ready to set these in stone, correct? :)


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