improve PRIMARY buffer copy-paste behaviour, paste over

Johannes Thrän johannes.thraen at
Wed Jul 1 21:56:59 UTC 2020


guys, don't let this just die off. Nobody has to code anything now, no
paradigms shifted, no workflows broken. I'm just asking to reformulate a
standard document a bit more specific in order to make something mediocre
good. If the specifics I posted are too long or faulty, we can discuss how
to make them more compact and get them right.

I'll try at the ui libraries also anyways.. it'd just help if there was
some formulation from the linux middle click defining entity, which I
thought this list was. If it isn't, or someone knows a better place for me
to go to, please tell me.

Cheers, Johannes

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 8:49 PM Johannes Thrän <johannes.thraen at>

> Hi,
> [...]
> At least, I'd suggest updating
> .
> I think it should mention, that there is a way to do the middle click
> paste thing 'right'.
> May I ask, who would have the power of changing this document and whether
> there is some willingness to change it?
> VG, Johannes
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