[xliff-tools] filter xml --> XLIFF

Dexter dexter at madalbal.sk
Wed Jan 18 05:21:23 PST 2006

i`m tring to use Open Language Tool
https://open-language-tools.dev.java.net/ . I have exported file for
translation from Compiere (defined here:
http://www.compiere.org/dtd/compiereTrl.dtd ). Before i can use this
file, i have to convert it to XLIFF format. I use XLIFF filter from Open
Language Tools. I have to write config file for conversion. But problem
is, i can`t find any documentation on howto write config file. 
Source file looks like this:

$ more AD_Form_Trl_cs_CZ.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Compiere(r) Release
2.5.3a_2005-10-17 - Smart ERP & CRM - (c) 1999-2005 Compiere (r);
Implementation: 2.5.3a 20051028-1551 - ComPiere Inc. (C) 1999-2005 Jorg
Janke--><!DOCTYPE compiereTrl PUBLIC "-//ComPiere, Inc.//DTD Compiere
Translation 1.0//EN"
language="cs_CZ" table="AD_Form"><row id="100" trl="Y"><value
column="Name" original="Generate Invoices (manual)">Generování faktur
e column="Description" original="Select and generate invoices">Výběr a
generování faktur</value><value column="Help" origin
al="Generate Invoices from Orders.  &#10;Select the orders to generate
the invoice for."></value></row><row id="101" trl="Y"><value
column="Name" original="Import File Loader">Import souboru</value><value
column="Description" original="Load flat Files
into import tables">Natažení nedatabázového souboru do importních
tabulek</value><value column="Help" original="The Import File Loader
parses the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables.
Comments start with a '[' and end with a ']'
and are ignored; example: [Some Heading].">The Import File Loader parses
the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables. Comments
start with a '[' and end with a ']' and are ignored; example: [Some

So, what i need is: get value of attribute "original" to left window of
translator editor. Get text betwen <value...> and </value> to right
Do somebody now, how can i convert it? Some documentation? Other filter?

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