[Clipart] CC Zero + OCAL?

Brian Bucknam brian at smileonmymac.com
Mon Mar 2 11:30:02 PST 2009

On Mar 2, 2009, at 10:56 AM, Tobias Jakobs wrote:
> I would even vote fore converting everything to CC Zero. I think we
> have the right to do that, because now it's PD. I'd like to have only
> one licence for everything, to make it easier for the users. e.g. The
> most Linux package formats only support one license.

I agree with the sentiment, but reading the "About CC0" page
I see this:
Unlike the Public Domain Dedication and Certification, CC0 should not  
be used to mark works already in the public domain. However, it can be  
used to waive copyright or database rights to the extent you may have  
these rights in your work. In addition, you should only apply CC0 to a  
work if you own all relevant copyright or database rights in it, or  
have the necessary rights to apply CC0 to another person’s work.
That seems to say that OCAL, which I think in this case owns the  
database rights to the clipart works, cannot make them CC0.


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