xserver on OpenGL

Keith Packard keithp@keithp.com
Fri, 05 Dec 2003 13:06:26 -0800

Around 12 o'clock on Dec 5, Jon Smirl wrote:

> Does the current X DRI environment (with pbuffers) provide a good enough
> platform for starting a conversion of xserver to the OpenGL API?

Yes, given pbuffers I think the OpenGL API is sufficient to support X
output.  Of course, the X/DRI environment is going to make keyboard and
mouse input a total mess, so this really wouldn't be a usable X environment
without a bunch of additional work.

However, I'm not personally interested in attempting an OpenGL server
backend without starting from a frame buffer, so I think that leaves out
the X/DRI environment for me, even for an output-only server.  Perhaps
others will have more time to start in this direction.  I think the
end result of either development effort would be worthwhile, and perhaps 
the native-OpenGL even better in many ways.
