[CREATE] Code of Conduct

Nathan Willis nwillis at glyphography.com
Thu Jan 16 11:33:20 PST 2014

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Susan Spencer <susan.spencer at gmail.com>wrote:

>  On the surface it sounds reasonable, but what it means is that should an
> issue occur then the community feels entitled to complain about the issue
> because it makes them uncomfortable, not because something bad has happened.

I would only want to add that I think Susan has brought up an important
point. A code really has two purposes - to tell people what is expected,
and to tell people what to do in the event that they feel something bad is
happening when they're actually at the event.

It's perhaps more important that we think about how we'd want someone who
has a concern to bring it to the right people's attention while at LGM, and
make sure that we communicate that, than it is to craft the perfect
"expectations" description.

Everyone seems to, generally, agree on the positive experience that they
want LGM to be; perhaps we should decide how we'd want someone at the event
to bring their concerns to the right place, and that would keep things
moving forward.  Regardless of the wording of expectations, I might even
argue that having a process in place to hear and respond to conflict when
it occurs is the critical thing to get right.  If someone feels like they
know what to do when they feel uncomfortable, that's where it really
matters -- even if the wording ahead of time did not capture the particular
circumstances that they find themselves in at the moment. I, at least,
would want someone to feel comfortable approaching an LGM organizer with
their concerns, even if their concerns are something we did not think of at
all in advance.

I don't know what the university's policy and structure is on those issues,
but perhaps we could decide what the LGM team wants -- designate a person
or persons? Approach anyone on staff?

nwillis at glyphography.com <http://identi.ca/n8>
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