[LGM] LGM 2019 - Funding

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Mon May 6 20:09:55 UTC 2019


That's all good, one thing, the last point sort of doesn't make sense with
the exact wording, so I propose:

"An image or set of images that uses the Google logo, any other logos, and
communicates a similar statement to the above visually, shall be included
for 3 seconds, at the start of 2 short promotional videos about the 2018
event and the 2019 event, subject to design approval by Google before

On Mon, May 6, 2019, 3:28 PM Pat David <patdavid at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, small update.  I managed to chat a bit with Dave (thanks for taking
> the time!) earlier today and this is what I think we have agreed to.
> -----8<------
> The primary intent of Google’s sponsorship is to facilitate the timely
> publication of edited audio-video recordings of event presentations soon
> after the conclusion of the event. Remaining funds can be used by the
> Organization at its discretion for the benefit of the event, such as paying
> speakers’ travel expenses.   Organization will arrange for audio-video
> recordings of all the stage presentations to be made.
> Organization will arrange for the recordings to undergo a high-quality
> editing and post-production process.
> Organization will arrange for the edited videos to be uploaded to YouTube
> on the “Libre Graphics Meeting” Channel (
> https://www.youtube.com/user/LibreGraphicsMeeting) before the Project End
> Date.
> To encourage and facilitate use, remixing, and widespread dissemination as
> an open educational resource, Organization will arrange for all video to be
> released under a "free cultural work" license, such as the Creative Commons
> "Attribution" or "Attribution ShareAlike" licenses.
> ---
> - Google's logo, linked to the Google Fonts About Page (
> fonts.google.com/about), shall be added to the Libre Graphics Meeting
> 2019 website sponsorship, programme and home pages, subject to design
> approval by Google before publication.
> - Text describing the sponsorship on the sponsorship page, subject to
> approval by Google before publication.
> - If a printed Programme is to be offered to event participants, the
> Google logo shall be included, subject to design approval by Google before
> publication.
> - Opening and closing remarks from the main stage by a representative of
> Organization shall include positive recognition of the sponsorship.
> - A statement in the description field of each video uploaded to YouTube
> that includes a text approved by Google. For example:
> "This presentation was recorded on 1st June 2019 as part of Libre Graphics
> Meeting 2019, at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar in Saarbruecken,
> Germany. This video was made possible through sponsorship and volunteer
> work from several individuals and organizations. To learn more, see
> libregraphicsmeeting.org/2019/"
> - An image or set of images that uses the Google logo, any other logos,
> and communicates the above statement visually shall be included for 3
> seconds, at the start of 2 short promotional videos about the 2018 event
> and the 2019 event, subject to design approval by Google before publication.
> ----------
> Dave - hopefully I didn't butcher anything in translation, but if this is
> ok with Dave/Google, then we (GIMP) are ok.
> I don't think I've messed it up, but in case I did and a GIMPer has a
> chance to read this, please let me know asap.
> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 1:36 PM Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I missed the first part of the discussion and cannot report definitively
>> on its results. It would be nice if somebody with the full log could post.
>> Given the rapidly approaching deadline on the printing, I reraise my
>> proposal to print materials subject to pending deadlines with the
>> assumption that we will reach a deal on Google sponsorship.
>> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:51 AM Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
>>> I'm discussing this on #lgm now
>>> On Mon, May 6, 2019, 11:33 AM Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> At this point, the matter of the sponsorship is essentially out of our
>>>> hands. We can't seem to accept it without a waiver from the GIMP team, and,
>>>> on the flip side, I don't think that we would oppose any deal reached
>>>> between the GIMP team and Google. It also seems to me that we are still
>>>> some distance from any deal, as the GIMP team still need to decide in
>>>> general terms, as a group, what is acceptable as a prerequisite to forging
>>>> a specific deal.
>>>> In the interest of keeping options open, I would propose that we
>>>> include Google branding on any materials that must be finalized prior to
>>>> the conclusion of the GIMP/Google negotiations. I'm not sure how others
>>>> feel, but I would be much happier giving away free logo space on a printed
>>>> program than foreclosing on the opportunity to cover travel costs this
>>>> year. Unless there is some breakthrough in the negotiations, I think that
>>>> this is the decision on our plate today.
>>>> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 4:41 AM Aude Poilroux <ap at k8.design> wrote:
>>>>> Dear everyone,
>>>>> we need urgently a decision under which conditions we can accept the
>>>>> Google sponsoring. Since communication items such as the LGM poster will be
>>>>> printed tomorrow, *we need a final decision today*.
>>>>> If the LGM community does not accept the Google sponsoring, we will
>>>>> have to recalculate the general budget and see which budgets cuts are still
>>>>> possible (quite a lot of financial issues have already been negotiated and
>>>>> accepted, google sponsoring will be mainly used for travel cost
>>>>> reimbursement and communication costs).
>>>>> Thank you for your quick answer
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Aude - for the local organisation team
>>>>> Aude Poilroux
>>>>> Projektmanagerin
>>>>> *Coordination, Gestion de projets*K8 Institut für strategische
>>>>> Ästhetik
>>>>> Keplerstr. 3-5
>>>>> D-66117 Saarbrücken
>>>>> www.k8.design
>>>>> Tel: +49 681 84 492 069
>>>>> Mobil: +49 176 228 228 63
>>>>> Am Fr., 3. Mai 2019 um 18:29 Uhr schrieb Jehan <jehan at girinstud.io>:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> First of all, thanks for the various subsequent emails. It seems that
>>>>>> the issue is well understood and appreciated by most (i.e. the issue
>>>>>> **not** being that we want some kind of unique recognition or  a
>>>>>> GIMP-branded video 🙄).
>>>>>> On 2019-05-03 21:11, Dave Crossland wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > It seems this was discussed on 4th of March on irc, if anyone has
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> > link to the public irclog that might be helpful.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I found a chat log with me and Soenke where we discussed this on
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> > day, please find attached screenshot. My second draft that I posted
>>>>>> > yesterday is based on the idea posed to me in that chat.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > My intent was never a "permanantly visible logo", like an overlay
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> > over the length of the video;
>>>>>> Yeah I understood that is not what was asked. For the record, I would
>>>>>> have been completely against this!
>>>>>> > it was always a slide with either just
>>>>>> > Google, or all the sponsors, at the start/end of each video for a
>>>>>> few
>>>>>> > seconds.
>>>>>> I would not agree with a slide with Google logo only personally
>>>>>> unless
>>>>>> it could be made in a very unintrusive way (but really, I don't see
>>>>>> how). Basically this event is not called "Google Libre Graphics
>>>>>> Meeting"
>>>>>> and I certainly don't want a single big company to seemingly get
>>>>>> "ownership" of the events just because they give big money. Our
>>>>>> "souls"
>>>>>> are not for sale.
>>>>>> Now I would find fair a page with **all** the corporate sponsors with
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> clear text explaining these are events sponsor. Though I think this
>>>>>> page
>>>>>> could only be at the end with the credits (I would find it quite
>>>>>> oppressive at the start, still for the same reason).
>>>>>> Now this is only my personal vote, not GIMP decision. This would have
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> be discussed with the others first and considering our last vote, I
>>>>>> believe this may not go this way.
>>>>>> > I sponsor a number of type design community events around the world,
>>>>>> > any this is the typical sponsor benefit; it's worked both ways (solo
>>>>>> > logo, multi logos) in the past for other events.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Anyway, if the gimp team wants the Google logo only on the website
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> > printed programme, not any videos associated with LGM, please let us
>>>>>> > know :)
>>>>>> We'll discuss this and tell you, I guess.
>>>>>> Jehan
>>>>>> > Cheers
>>>>>> > Dave
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