April 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Apr 1 06:23:35 PST 2005
Ending: Sat Apr 30 13:53:30 PDT 2005
Messages: 236
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #119
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] pr ready
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Open Clip Art Library Release 0.12 Announcement
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] PR
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata problem (was: upload script problem?)
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] Gearing up for 0.12
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] PR
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Open Clip Art Library Release 0.12 Announcement
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] How can I "Join the Open Clip Art Library Release Team"?
Volker Berlin
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] How can I "Join the Open Clip Art Library Release Team"?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] developing an xml schema standard for packaged multimedia
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] SVG::Metadata re-engineering
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] developing an xml schema standard for packaged multimedia
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] developing an xml schema standard for packaged multimedia
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Metadata Proposal (WAS) developing an xml schema standard for packaged multimedia
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] openclipart packages and the idx file
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Metadata Proposal (WAS) developing an xml schema standard for packaged multimedia
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] openclipart.org for 4 more years!
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] SVG Metadata
Christopher Schmidt
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] SVG Metadata
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] [Fwd: Re: gnomefiles.org and openclipart.org]
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] [Fwd: Re: gnomefiles.org and openclipart.org]
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] SVG Metadata
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] SVG Metadata
Christopher Schmidt
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Screenshot Upload Facility
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Creative Commons Affiliate?
Daniel Carrera
- [Clipart] talk online at 7 PM GMT - very soon!
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Creative Commons Affiliate?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] RSS feeds and aggregation
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] Open Clip Art Library Release 0.11 Announcement
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] ANN: SVG::Metadata 0.23 released
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] Open Clip Art Library Release 0.11 Announcement
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] planet openclipart
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] upload problems
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] upload problems
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] planet openclipart
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #120
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] shell extension testers?
Duncan Lock
- [Clipart] REPOST: openclipart packages and the idx file
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Mike Traum
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] REPOST: openclipart packages and the idx file
Mike Traum
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] REPOST: openclipart packages and the idx file
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Paul Reinheimer
- [Clipart] REPOST: openclipart packages and the idx file
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Christopher Schmidt
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Andrew Archibald
- [Clipart] REPOST: openclipart packages and the idx file
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] this mailing list is configured incorrectly, likely resulting in a lot of off-list discussion
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Andrew Archibald
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron Seigo
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Andrew Archibald
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] tools: why use SVG::Metadata for transforming xml?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] shell extension testers?
Jon Phillips
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jon Phillips
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] openclipart packages and the idx file
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] tools: why use SVG::Metadata for transforming xml?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] who runs this project, and what are their roles?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] tools: why use SVG::Metadata for transforming xml?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] who runs this project, and what are their roles?
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] who runs this project, and what are their roles?
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] tools: why use SVG::Metadata for transforming xml?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
James Cloos
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Mike Traum
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Glen Turner
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] Image portability
Andrew Archibald
- [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] DMS installed on openclipart.org
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] Image portability
Stephen Silver
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Proposal for interim file categorisation and indices
David Illsley
- [Clipart] anonymous cvs access?
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Nathan Eady
- Fwd: Re: [Clipart] metadata: aren't the keywords actually categories (and can keywords be added)?
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron Seigo
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] small update
Aaron Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] Image portability
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron Seigo
- [Clipart] planet
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] planet
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] Image portability
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Update Packages
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Update Packages
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Update Packages
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] Image portability
Christopher Schmidt
- [Clipart] Image portability
Holger Will
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Tobias Jakobs
- [Clipart] Image portability
Linda Kim
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] [dtl_s_t_m] Desktop Developers Converence (fwd)
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Image portability
Holger Will
- [Clipart] small update
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Update Packages
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Image portability
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] openclipart in use... (fwd)
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: powerpoint slide text box bakground
Screenshot Upload Facility
- [Clipart] openclipart in use... (fwd)
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] small update
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] small update
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] small update
Jonathan Leighton
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL (soap)
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: mygraph
Screenshot Upload Facility
- [Clipart] KDE and OCAL (soap)
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] DMS 0.11 Released
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] DMS 0.11 Released
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] DMS 0.11 Released
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] release 13 coming up
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] DMS 0.11 Released
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Screenshot Upload Facility
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Mike Traum
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] FYI: KDE's current SVG-engine developments
Frans Englich
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Aaron J. Seigo
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Understanding what "Open" means
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Jeremy C. Reed
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] FYI: KDE's current SVG-engine developments
Andrew Archibald
- [Clipart] Re: Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Screenshot Upload Facility
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] FYI: KDE's current SVG-engine developments
Frans Englich
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: my implementation of Sokoban in SVG. if you like to play: http://www.treebuilder.de/svg/sokoban/sokoban.svgz
Holger Will
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] notes for consideration for release 0.13 announcement
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] FYI: KDE's current SVG-engine developments
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] FYI: KDE's current SVG-engine developments
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.plpatches
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] PHP and the command line...
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Image portability
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.plpatches
Jon Phillips
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches
Nathan Eady
- [Clipart] Making our thumbnails comply with the thumbnail spec, i.e., 128x128px
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] Making our thumbnails comply with the thumbnail spec, i.e., 128x128px
Paul Reinheimer
- [Clipart] rescued files
Stephen Silver
- [Clipart] Making our thumbnails comply with the thumbnail spec, i.e., 128x128px
Nicu Buculei
- [Clipart] Hi List!
Frans Englich
- [Clipart] rescued files
Jonadab the Unsightly One
- [Clipart] Hi List!
Bryce Harrington
- [Clipart] rescued files
Stephen Silver
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 13:53:30 PDT 2005
Archived on: Mon Oct 1 21:25:16 PDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).